Repairs and Refurbs


(As Part of a repair only) Amiga 500 1MB Internal RAM upgrade (As Part of a repair only) Amiga 500 1MB Internal RAM upgrade £30.00 Buy Now
(With a recap/repair only) Atari STfm 1MB upgrade (16 chips) (With a recap/repair only) Atari STfm 1MB upgrade (16 chips) £59.99 Buy Now
**With a repair Only!** Atari 520 1MB upgrade **With a repair Only!** Atari 520 1MB upgrade £49.99 Buy Now
*As Part of a C64 Repair ONLY* Commodore C2N Mechanism Refurb *As Part of a C64 Repair ONLY* Commodore C2N Mechanism Refurb £19.99 Buy Now
*With a recap/repair only* Atari STfm 1MB upgrade (4 chips) *With a recap/repair only* Atari STfm 1MB upgrade (4 chips) £29.99 Buy Now
3" floppy drive repair 3" floppy drive repair £29.99 Buy Now
3.5" floppy drive repair (not SAM Coupe) 3.5" floppy drive repair (not SAM Coupe) £29.99 Buy Now
Amiga 2000/3000/4000 PSU recap (with Amiga repair) Amiga 2000/3000/4000 PSU recap (with Amiga repair) £59.99 Buy Now
Atari 800/65/130 XL/XE repair Atari 800/65/130 XL/XE repair £49.99 Buy Now
CBS Colecovision Repair CBS Colecovision Repair £49.99 Buy Now
Commodore 1541-II Repair Commodore 1541-II Repair £39.99 Buy Now
Commodore 1541/1570/1571 Repair Commodore 1541/1570/1571 Repair £49.99 Buy Now
Computer and Peripheral repair (non-Spectrum) Computer and Peripheral repair (non-Spectrum) £Call Buy Now
Mattel Intellivision Repair Mattel Intellivision Repair £69.99 Buy Now
Atari Atari VCS Repair (4- or 6- switch woodgrain model) Atari VCS Repair (4- or 6- switch woodgrain model) £49.99 Buy Now
Mutant Caterpillar Games **With a Repair/Refurb ONLY** Spectrum +2A/+3 PSU Recap **With a Repair/Refurb ONLY** Spectrum +2A/+3 PSU Recap £30.00 Buy Now
Mutant Caterpillar Games Acorn Archimedes A3000/A3010/A3020 Repair Acorn Archimedes A3000/A3010/A3020 Repair £99.99 Buy Now
Mutant Caterpillar Games Acorn BBC Micro Repair Acorn BBC Micro Repair £69.99 Buy Now
Mutant Caterpillar Games Acorn Electron Repair Acorn Electron Repair £59.99 Buy Now
Mutant Caterpillar Games Amiga 500/600/1200 Power Supply Recap (with Amiga repair) Amiga 500/600/1200 Power Supply Recap (with Amiga repair) £39.99 Buy Now

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